Wednesday, May 28, 2014





 In 1st quarter, Gap profit fell because of foreign currency fluctuations and a slow start to spring sell. But, its annual profit is expected to rise. The San Francisco retailer said “I’m pleased with how the business performed toward the end of the quarter.” They are confident in their strategies.

  The number of people seeking U.S. unemployment benefits increased and applications rose. But, the unemployment rate dropped because the government counts only people who are actively searching for jobs as unemployment, and fewer people searched for jobs.

  Average rate for a 30-year loan fell, but sales of existing homes rebounded.



  I’m surprised that even Gap, a famous clothing shop, faced difficulty in recession. But, I’m impressed by the Gap’s confidence. They expected its annual profit to rise though its profit fell in 1st quarter. I’m interested in their strategies and I want to know these as a social engineering student.

  I want to know other clothing shops’ profits rose or fell. If their profits rose, what they did for that? Can we apply their strategies to other industries?

  This article is very interesting for me, because I’m interested in economy. I wonder why the economic fluctuation often happen. How can we recovery economy? As a university student, what can I do? Now, we learn economics, so such news help me to learn deeply. I want to read more articles about economy.

  I want to work for a shop which sells novelties or clothes or toys because I like something cute and I want to bring dream to people by selling such things. But, these days, I think that I can’t anything unless I learn about economics, and I want to contribute to the economic recovery in the future. I realized that thanks to this article. So, if you find articles that can help me learn economics, please tell me!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

To-do List for my First Year at University




Make 100 friends!


  I want to make 100 or more new friends. If I have many friend and play with them, I can enjoy my life. Now, I have about only 50 friends at university. To make many friends, I try to talk with smile to many people. If you are not my friend, make friends with me! I’ll talk to you.




Practice koto and shinobue!


  I belong to the Japanese traditional music club. In this club, I play koto and shinobue. When I was in the Japanese traditional music club in high school, I only played koto. I started playing shinobue because I wanted to start a new musical instrument. I should practice shinobue hard to make music. I can only make “sound” now. I like playing shinobue and koto so I’ll enjoy practicing.




Go to Disney Land!


  I like Disney very much. I like Disney Land very much, but I have ever been to Disney land only three times. Disney Land is the dream world. When I’m in Disney Land, I’m very very very happy! I want to go to Disney Land many times. I want to be happy in the dream world.




Watch Disney movies!


I like Disney movies, too. Stories and music are very beautiful. I want to watch all Disney movies. Especially, I like the Disney princess movies, so first, I want to watch all Disney princess movies. I have watched “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Cinderella”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Aladdin”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Tangled”, “Frozen”, “Sleeping Beauty”, and “Brave”. Next time, I want to watch “The Princess and the Frog”.




Learn to cook well!


  I want to learn to cook well. Before I entered university, I lived with my family. I didn’t have to cook by myself. My mother cooked our meals. I only helped her cook. But now, I live alone in the dormitory and I have to cook by myself. I try to cook many kinds of dishes.




Study hard


 I have to study hard at university. I enter university to study. I must not forget this! I don’t like studying but I’ll try to enjoy studying. I want to study mainly on micro economics because in the future, I want to research deeply about it.  



Be taller


 I am only 151cm! I wish I could gain 20cm trough out this 4 years of campus life. Why? That is because I have a complex about my height since I was a elementary student and I want to change it! So I am going to drink a littler of milk every day to get enough calcium to gain height.




Travel abroad!


  I have never been to any foreign countries. I want to travel abroad. What country do you think is nice to travel? Please tell me!

I want to go to Paris because I want enjoy music and shopping.




Go to zoo!


 I want to go to zoo many times. I want to see lion many times because I love lion. I have ever been to zoo a few times. There are some big zoos in Tokyo. For example Ueno zoo! It is located in the middle of Tokyo and I have never been there. So I want to go there with my friends.




Live with music


  I like music. I like listening to music. I like playing music. I can’t live without music! Living with music is my motto. I’ll live with music forever.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Please know about me!


Most of my friends call me “Chika” or “Chika-chan”. I have little nickname. So, I asked my friend to give me an interesting nickname which is not related to my name. Then, she called me “Taro”. I didn’t know why she called me “Taro”, but I liked this nickname very much.



My favorite singer is aiko. I love her songs. I become happy or lonely when I listen to her songs. Have you ever listened to her songs? If not, you should listen! Please talk with me about aiko.



Do you know “koto”? It is a Japanese traditional musical instrument. I belonged to the Japanese traditional music club and played koto when I was a high school student. I’m going to belong to the Japanese traditional music club. I’ll play koto and sinobue, a Japanese traditional musical instrument like a flute. Please come to our concert in November!



aiko will release new album “AWANOYOUNA AIDATTA(泡のような愛だった)” on March 28. This album contains my favorite songs “love letter” and “KIMINO TONARI(君の隣)”. I’m looking forward to getting this album.



    I am often told “You look happy.” when I’m happy. I am often told “You look happy.” when I’m not so happy, too. I don’t know why I always look happy. If you know, please tell me!



    I like animal, especially lion. I want to become a lion because he is the king of animals! I went to see lion during spring vacation. He was very cool, so I loved him more.



    I like rabbit, too. The way rabbit hops is cute. But I don’t want to become a rabbit because she is not strong. If she were the king of animals, I wanted to become a rabbit…



    I am aggressive! So I like lion and I want to become a lion.



    I like sweets. I like chocolate. I eat chocolate every day. We can also share chocolate with friends. I’ve named this “chocolate communication”. Let’s share chocolate!



    I like reading fairy tale. In stories, heroine becomes happy in the end. So, when I confront something sad, I try to think “I am the heroine.” This is the way I get over trouble.


Ice cream

    I like ice cream. But, if I have to choose which I eat ice cream or chocolate, of course, I choose chocolate! So, give me chocolate ice cream when you give me ice cream.



    Kitkat is chocolate sweet. It is sold as set, so we can share Kitkat easily. These days, people like to eat Kitkat baked. They call it “Yaki Kitkat”. The other days, I tried it and it tasted very good!!



    Arigato” means “Thank you.” Thank you for reading my blog. I’m very poor at English, so this blog may be hard to read. I’m happy that you have read it. Thank you very much!