Thursday, May 22, 2014

To-do List for my First Year at University




Make 100 friends!


  I want to make 100 or more new friends. If I have many friend and play with them, I can enjoy my life. Now, I have about only 50 friends at university. To make many friends, I try to talk with smile to many people. If you are not my friend, make friends with me! I’ll talk to you.




Practice koto and shinobue!


  I belong to the Japanese traditional music club. In this club, I play koto and shinobue. When I was in the Japanese traditional music club in high school, I only played koto. I started playing shinobue because I wanted to start a new musical instrument. I should practice shinobue hard to make music. I can only make “sound” now. I like playing shinobue and koto so I’ll enjoy practicing.




Go to Disney Land!


  I like Disney very much. I like Disney Land very much, but I have ever been to Disney land only three times. Disney Land is the dream world. When I’m in Disney Land, I’m very very very happy! I want to go to Disney Land many times. I want to be happy in the dream world.




Watch Disney movies!


I like Disney movies, too. Stories and music are very beautiful. I want to watch all Disney movies. Especially, I like the Disney princess movies, so first, I want to watch all Disney princess movies. I have watched “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Cinderella”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Aladdin”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Tangled”, “Frozen”, “Sleeping Beauty”, and “Brave”. Next time, I want to watch “The Princess and the Frog”.




Learn to cook well!


  I want to learn to cook well. Before I entered university, I lived with my family. I didn’t have to cook by myself. My mother cooked our meals. I only helped her cook. But now, I live alone in the dormitory and I have to cook by myself. I try to cook many kinds of dishes.




Study hard


 I have to study hard at university. I enter university to study. I must not forget this! I don’t like studying but I’ll try to enjoy studying. I want to study mainly on micro economics because in the future, I want to research deeply about it.  



Be taller


 I am only 151cm! I wish I could gain 20cm trough out this 4 years of campus life. Why? That is because I have a complex about my height since I was a elementary student and I want to change it! So I am going to drink a littler of milk every day to get enough calcium to gain height.




Travel abroad!


  I have never been to any foreign countries. I want to travel abroad. What country do you think is nice to travel? Please tell me!

I want to go to Paris because I want enjoy music and shopping.




Go to zoo!


 I want to go to zoo many times. I want to see lion many times because I love lion. I have ever been to zoo a few times. There are some big zoos in Tokyo. For example Ueno zoo! It is located in the middle of Tokyo and I have never been there. So I want to go there with my friends.




Live with music


  I like music. I like listening to music. I like playing music. I can’t live without music! Living with music is my motto. I’ll live with music forever.

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