Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to enjoy Japanese traditional music

Have you ever listened to Japanese traditional music? If you have, did you enjoy it? Do you know koto, shakuhachi, or shamisen? These are Japanese traditional musical instrument. I’ll tell you what these Japanese traditional musical instruments ― koto, shakuhachi, shamisen ― are and a way to enjoy Japanese traditional music.

  First, I’ll introduce koto.
  Koto is a Japanese traditional musical instrument which has 13 strings. 13 white objects called “kotozi” or “zi” support strings and we can change pitches by moving them. We play the koto with “kotozumes” which are like small white board. We wear three kotozumes and push or pluck the strings of koto with them, then we can make sounds. Sometimes we pluck or hit the strings with finger without kotozume.
  Some people think that playing the koto is very difficult, but you can play the koto easily. It doesn’t take you 1 week to learn to play “sakura”, which is a famous Japanese song.

  Second, I’ll introduce syakuhachi.
  Syakuhachi is like recorder and it has 5 holes. Shakuhachi was named after its length issyakuhassun(一尺八寸). I heard that there are 10 most difficult musical instruments to play in the world and shakuhachi is one of them. In fact, it is very difficult to play the shakuhachi.

  Third, I’ll introduce shamisen.
  Shamisen is like guitar and has three strings.
  You play the shamisen with “bachi”. University of Tsukuba has a Tugaru Zyamisen club, Mugenzyuku(無絃塾), so some of you have heard the sounds of shamisen. Tugaru Zyamisen is a kind of shamisen and it makes strong sounds.

  Next, I’ll tell you how to enjoy Japanese traditional music.
  I recommend first you focus on “sounds”. If you listen to the sounds of koto, you feel it is very beautiful! If you listen to shakuhachi, you will notice immediately that the sounds of shakuhachi are very different by players.
  I also recommend you imagine a scene listening to it. Many songs were made by the feelings of the impressions of any scenes.
  There are not only classical music but also modern music. Japanese traditional musical instruments can play pop music. I played a song like jazz.  Modern music may be easy to listen.

By all means, please listen to Japanese traditional music without any sense of hesitation and enjoy it.

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