Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My medical problems

 I broke my nose when I was a sixth grade elementary student. This makes me feel sad even now.
 I played volleyball in elementary school and junior high school. Since my teammates and I were third grade elementary students, we had played volleyball as regular players because we didn’t have upper-class students.
 It was the day before the last game that we participated in. We practiced very hard to win the game. Our coach hit a ball and my teammate and I ran towards the ball to receive it. Then, her chin hit my nose and I felt a strong pain. My nose was broken.
 I cried a lot when I waited for my mother to come to take me to the hospital. This is not because I felt a strong pain but because I realized I couldn’t participate in our last game. I despaired. We all had been practicing hard together, but only I couldn’t play with my teammates. The game should have been my final compilation of the days when I played volleyball hard in elementary school.
 So, I can’t forget this and I become very sad whenever I remember this.

Symptom of the bone fracture
Main symptoms of the bone fracture are pain, internal bleeding, swelling, transformation, and abnormal mobility.
If you have your bone broken, you will feel a strong pain. When your bones are broken, you bleed internally. Sometimes hemorrhaging causes dizziness, cold sweat, or anemia by low blood pressure. In a few hours after your bones get broken, bleeding or inflammation causes swelling. Transformation also brings swelling or pain. Abnormal mobility means that bones move or bend in the parts except joints.

How to heal the bone fracture
 If you broke your bone, you should have the bone reduce and fix. Proper fix and rest don’t leave aftereffects. Rehabilitation is also important. If you don’t move muscles at all, the weight of muscles go down. Your muscles become thin after fixing because you can’t move muscles during fixing. So you need rehabilitation to recovery you muscles.

Causes of the bone fracture
 Main causes of the bone fracture are external wounds, excessive exercise, and diseases.
 Many of bone fracture are caused by external wounds, for example, tumble, fall, collision, or traffic accidents. Excessive exercise causes stress fracture. Many small cracks are made because power is concentrated in one part.

 Diseases also cause bone fracture because bones become fragile and slight wounds break bones. For example, metastasis of cancer sometimes break bone. Osteoporosis often bring bone fracture.

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