Saturday, December 20, 2014

Was I able to achieve anything on my “to do list”?

Make 100 friends!
  I wrote “I want to make 100 or more new friends” before. I think I was able to make more 100 friends at University of Tsukuba and enjoy my campus life. I want to get closer to my friends and make more friends.

Practice koto and shinobue
  I was able to practice koto hard, but I can’t say I practiced shinobue hard. This is because I had a chance of playing the koto at Souhousai, the university festival, but I had chance of playing the shinobue. We will have a graduation concert in March and I’ll play only the koto. So I’m busy practicing koto and I can’t practice shinobue. After a graduation concert, I want to practice shinobue, too.

Go to Disney Land
  I was not able to go to Disney Land this year. I want to go there next year.

Watch Disney movies
  I wrote “I want to watch all Disney princess movies.” and “I want to watch “The Princess and the Frog”.” before. But I didn’t watch “The Princess and the Frog”. Next time, I’ll watch this. Though I was not able to watch all Disney princess movies, I watched and enjoyed some Disney movies.

Learn to cook well
  Now I can cook better than before. When I wrote “to do list”, I cooked only a few kinds of dishes with recipes and I wasn’t satisfied with dishes I cooked. But now, I can cook more kinds of dishes without recipes and I can cook dishes of my favorite taste. I like cooking, so I want to cook better and better!

Study hard
  I wrote “I have to study hard at university. I enter university to study. I must not forget this!” before, but I sometimes forgot this. I didn’t study hard this year. Next year, I’ll study hard and never forget this.

Be taller
  I was not able to be taller. I drank little of milk. Actually, I realized that I can’t be taller and gave up being taller. So, I’ll wear high-heeled shoes when I want to become tall.

Travel abroad
  I was not able to travel abroad. I want to travel foreign countries in spring vacation. But I afraid that I can’t do that because my friends and I plan to travel Kyoto in spring vacation. I’ll earn enough money to go for a trip, and next summer, I want to travel abroad.

Go to zoo
  I was able to go to zoo once this year. I went to Ueno zoo with my friend. I like lion and my friend likes panda the best. We were able to see these animals at close range! We enjoyed seeing cute animals and we felt relaxed and comfortable. I want to go to Ueno zoo again.

Live with music

  I was able to live with music. I listened to music every day, and I played music many times. I love music, so I’ll live with music from now on.

Monday, December 15, 2014

A dinner party with 8 people we admire

Nicolaus Copernicus
A Polish astronomer, who is known for the Copernican system. Copernican system is the idea that the earth and other planets go around the sun, and he suggested this idea for the first time. I admire him because he changed the fundamental idea which all people except him believed in. Maybe I can’t do it if I live to be a thousand.

Isaac Newton
A British mathematician, physicist, astronomer, who is known for the laws of motion. And he made the idea of differential and integral calculus. I admire him because he made the fundamental idea which are used even now. I can’t do any academic thing without Newton’s idea.

Ichiro Suzuki
A famous baseball player, who is called “Ichiro”. He is called “Wizard” or “Hitting Machine” in America. I admire him because of his numberless records and prizes. He has too many records and prizes to write down here. He is a Japanese hero.

Koichi Wakata
An astronaut who belongs to JAXA. He has been to space four times for his mission. I admire him because he is a first Japanese person in the middle echelons of NASA. And he has the record of longest stay in space in Japan.

Walt Disney
An American business magnate, cartoonist, and filmmaker, who created a famous character, Mickey Mouse, and influenced and contributed to entertainment. I admire him because he made many dreams come true. Now nobody don’t know Disney, and many people watch Disney movies, enjoy at Disney land, and love Disney characters.

Steven Allan Spielberg
An American film director, screenwriter, producer, and business magnate, who is known for famous movies “E.T.” and “Jaws”. I admire him because he made many wonderful movies. He was awarded a lot of prizes, and his works are watched by many people.

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio
An American actor and film producer, who is known for “Titanic”, which is a famous film. I admire him because he is very handsome and his works are wonderful. He has been nominated for five Academy Awards and ten Golden Globe Awards and won Golden Globes for Best actor in Drama and the Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy. 

Lionel Andres Messi Cuccittini
An argentine professional soccer player, who plays soccer as a forward for Spanish club FC Barcelona and captain the Argentina national team. I admire him because he is very good at playing soccer and his play is attractive. He won an Olympic gold Medal and received the Ballon d’Or four times.

●Seating arrangements
 I want to make seating arrangements like this picture.

 I want to be seat between Walt Disney and Messi because I admire them the most. I want to talk to Disney about how to make our dreams come true and I want to be given many dreams. And I want Messi tell his successes and his love to soccer.
Next to Messi, Ichiro Suzuki will be seat, and they talk about sports. Messi plays soccer, but Ichiro plays baseball, so they will find similarities and differences between soccer and baseball.
Disney, Steven Spielberg, and Leonardo DiCaprio are engaged in jobs related to movie. They will talk about creating wonderful films. They may make plan for co-created film and ask other participants of this sinner party.
Koichi Wakata and Copernicus will talk about the space. Copernicus will be impressed surprised to Koichi’s experiences in the space, and Koichi will thank Copernicus for his works.
My partner, Masanari, Newton, and Copernicus will talk about physics and astronomy.
Ideas of newton and Copernicus are very profitable for study.
 I want everyone to enjoy this dinner party!

Place arrangements
I will hold the party at a restaurant in Tokyo Disneyland to show Disney his job. But Spielberg may be angry as I don’t hold at USJ, which he supervised. I want them to be friends…

Food arrangements
I will serve them with dishes which are connected with them.
1.           Gaspacho
Gaspacho is a Spanish cuisine, and the team Messi belongs is a Spanish team. Maybe Messi knows a lot about this cuisine and other Spanish cooking, so I’ll be glad if this dish become a first lead of their conversation.

2.           Salmon steak with mousseline source
This dish was served at the real “Titanic”. I don’t know DiCaprio, the leading actor of “Taitanic”, ate it in the filming, but I want him to tell everyone the episodes concerning his experience in the filming. Maybe some of them don’t know anything about Titanic, so I must prepare some pictures of Titanic and tell them about the movie.

3.           A selection of space foods
Now I hear space foods are delicious unexpectedly. So I want to serve space foods and ask them whether it is really delicious. Koichi must have eaten them a lot, so I want him to tell everyone about other space foods he have eaten, and impression of old space foods. And I’ll be glad if this dish become a lead for Copernicus and Newton to ask Koichi about his experience in the real space.

4.           A selection of sweets of Disneyland

In Tokyo Disneyland, there are a lot of sweets like chocolate, cookie, churros and so on. So, I will serve some popular sweets in Tokyo Disneyland, and if they take to any sweets, I will give it them as a present.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

My impressions on “Wanderers”

  I became afraid of the possibilities of human beings when I first read the script and watched the short film. At first, human beings were only a species of creatures, but thanks to human beings being wanderers, we can live now as a species that have been developing. I’m glad that our species is wanderer. I can’t imagine what we are what we do now if human being were not wanderers.
  This short film shows us the possibilities for space. Now we can live only on this planet, but in the near future, we will be able to go to other planets, and also live there. This is very exciting.
I want to see the scenery which the pictures on this website shows with my own eyes someday. Especially, I like the picture which shows the famous Rings of Saturn, “RINGSURF – (rings of SATURN).” This picture are fantastic and I feel that I were near Saturn. I know Saturn has the rings, but I don’t know these are ice blocks. The sentence written under this picture says the distance between the edge of the inner D Ring and the outer F Ring are very far. I would be impressed by this large scale rings.
Many things about space are still unknown, but I think this makes space attractive. Human beings are wanderers and are very curious, so we want to know unknown things. We will develop unknown areas in space in the future.
This short film tells us “the sedentary life has left us edgy, unfulfilled.” I think this sentence means that we should be wanderers, and if we are sedentary, we only lead dull life. I usually like to wander, but sometimes I’m sedentary. If I spend this sedentary time actively for other meaningful things, my life becomes more meaningful. So I’ll be wanderer from now on.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to enjoy Japanese traditional music

Have you ever listened to Japanese traditional music? If you have, did you enjoy it? Do you know koto, shakuhachi, or shamisen? These are Japanese traditional musical instrument. I’ll tell you what these Japanese traditional musical instruments ― koto, shakuhachi, shamisen ― are and a way to enjoy Japanese traditional music.

  First, I’ll introduce koto.
  Koto is a Japanese traditional musical instrument which has 13 strings. 13 white objects called “kotozi” or “zi” support strings and we can change pitches by moving them. We play the koto with “kotozumes” which are like small white board. We wear three kotozumes and push or pluck the strings of koto with them, then we can make sounds. Sometimes we pluck or hit the strings with finger without kotozume.
  Some people think that playing the koto is very difficult, but you can play the koto easily. It doesn’t take you 1 week to learn to play “sakura”, which is a famous Japanese song.

  Second, I’ll introduce syakuhachi.
  Syakuhachi is like recorder and it has 5 holes. Shakuhachi was named after its length issyakuhassun(一尺八寸). I heard that there are 10 most difficult musical instruments to play in the world and shakuhachi is one of them. In fact, it is very difficult to play the shakuhachi.

  Third, I’ll introduce shamisen.
  Shamisen is like guitar and has three strings.
  You play the shamisen with “bachi”. University of Tsukuba has a Tugaru Zyamisen club, Mugenzyuku(無絃塾), so some of you have heard the sounds of shamisen. Tugaru Zyamisen is a kind of shamisen and it makes strong sounds.

  Next, I’ll tell you how to enjoy Japanese traditional music.
  I recommend first you focus on “sounds”. If you listen to the sounds of koto, you feel it is very beautiful! If you listen to shakuhachi, you will notice immediately that the sounds of shakuhachi are very different by players.
  I also recommend you imagine a scene listening to it. Many songs were made by the feelings of the impressions of any scenes.
  There are not only classical music but also modern music. Japanese traditional musical instruments can play pop music. I played a song like jazz.  Modern music may be easy to listen.

By all means, please listen to Japanese traditional music without any sense of hesitation and enjoy it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A dialogue between 2 people centering on a conflict
(write with Daiki Kitada)

“Hi Chika!”
“Hi Daiki!”
“Do you have any pet?”
“No, I have no pet. And you?”
“I have a rabbit. She is very cute.”
“It sounds fun to play with her.” said Chika.
“What kind of animal do you raise?”
“I want to raise a snake.”
“Why?” said Daiki.
“Because snake is very cute.”
“Don’t you think so?”
“No! I hate snake.” Daiki shouted.
“Why do you hate?”
“Because it has poison and very dangerous.”
“But, a kind of snake I want to raise does not have any poison. So it’s not dangerous at all.”
“It is mild. Let’s go to buy one.”
“Do not say that stupid!” Daiki shouted again.
“The pet shop near here holds a snake sale.”
“We can’t buy it suddenly.”
“Why do you disagree with what I’m saying so.” Chika looked angry.
“Because it may bite my rabbit”
“By the way, do you like cat or dog?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Which do you like better?”
“Cat!” said Chika.
“Why? I think dog is better.”
“Cat is cuter than dog.”
“But, I think dog is cuter than cat.”
“Have you seen cats at Hirasuna dormitory?”
“Were they cute?”
“Yes, they were very cute.”
“Does it seem to be cuter than dog?”
“Then, let’s buy a cat.”
“OK, let’s go to pet shop.”
“All right!!” Daiki and Chika went to pet shop.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A study on “An emotional marketing strategy”

 I read an article written by Ayako Taniguchi and Satoshi Fujii, An emotional marketing strategy” toward promotion of public transport: A Case Study of Mobility Management in Wien-city.

 The decline of public transportation causes serious problems in many cities all over the world. So governments and transportation companies are trying to carry out plans to improve the use of public transportation. One of those plans is “psychological” strategy to attract people by using media, posters, events, or so on.
 This study introduces “emotional campaign” carried out by a company in Vienna, which is not considered important in Japan. In 1998, they started the emotional plan which intended to improve “image” of public transportation.

 There are many kinds of public transportation in Vienna, for example trains, buses, street cars, and subways. About 100 years ago, transportation companies were integrated into a utility, Vienna public utilities and transport service and then, it changed its name wiener linien stock company. Now, this company manages all of public transportation.

 This company puts emphasis on the appearance of transport system, specifically cleanness. They clean subway station twice every day. The marketing policy is “do what people want” and basic concept is “respect user and improve convenience.” CS investigation is carried out every year and the score has been increased.

 As examples of “emotional campaign”, 1)image strategy(use poster and pamphlet) 2)campaign when new route is opened(ex. distribution of free ticket) 3)communication with user(ex. WEB site) are carried out.

  “Emotional campaign” is intended to have people have attachment for public transportation. It is important that people have “my rail senses”. If emotional campaign is carried out properly, it is possible.

 It is often said that Japanese character is more emotional than that of Europe. So, in Japan, if emotional campaign can change people’s fundamental attitude toward public transportation, this strategy will be practical.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The food of Ukraine

Ukrainian cuisine is characterized by strong taste. A staple food is bread. Vegetable dishes are eaten more than fish dishes and meat dishes. Drinks are sweet or sweet and salty.

Ukraine was under the control of other countries, so Ukrainian cuisine are influenced by German cuisine, Russian cuisine, and so on.

 In Ukraine, beet is a popular vegetable and there are about 30 kinds of beet. They often use pork, lard, and Smetana, a kind of sour cream.


 Borscht, solyanka, kotleta, varenyky, beignet, kasha, and salo are popular Ukrainian cuisines. I will tell you a recipe of varenyky. Varenyky is like boiled gyoza but we use various ingredients. Potato, mushroom, meat, cabbage, cheese, cherry, strawberry, and… So we can enjoy various tastes from sweet taste to salty taste. Ingredients used to cook varenyky can be gotten easily in Japan and you can cook varenyky for only about 40 minutes. This is why I chose this recipe. I want to cook varenyky with my friends. Here I show a recipe of sweet strawberry and cherry varenyky and cheese varenyky.


The recipe of varenyky


flour : 400g

water : 200ml



strawberry : 200g

cherry : 200g

cottage cheese : 200g

1 egg



1. Sift flour and put it into a bowl.

2. Add water, sugar, and salt and mix them carefully.

3. Round dough and wrap it in towel for 20 minutes.

4. Cut it to about 1cm.

5. Flatten out one piece and put strawberry and cherry or egg and cottage cheese in it.

6. After boiling water, boil them for 5 minutes




Tuesday, October 7, 2014

If we take a trip to Azerbaijan

It is exciting to prepare for a trip. For example, thinking what clothes we were, where to go, what to buy as a souvenir and so on.
In preparing to go to Azerbaijan (staying 2weeks), We need to be careful about documents such as visa and know about peace and order.

First of all, We must be careful about visa.Before leaving for Azerbaijan, We have to get a visa on our passport in Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Japan because we cannot get it in Azerbaijan. To get a visa, we need application form, passport and Letter of invitation from a companies or a travel agency in Azerbaijan or hotel reservation confirmation.
Second, at immigration gate, We input the terminal machine of customs declaration and hand in a customs declaration.

There are a lot of difference between Japan and Azerbaijan. There are a lot of  diseases we Japanese are not familiar with. So we should take out the best overseas travel insurance and need to know the most believable hospital. At the point of clothes, we have a lot of things to think of. In Azerbaijan, the temperature difference is extreme. In addition the geographic problem, there  are religious problem. People in Azerbaijan tend to dislike wearing clothes with much exposure of the skin. So we should wear long sleeve clothes.

Next, We are planning where to visit. The first day of 2 weeks is for moving day. Our plane departs Tokyo at 1 oclock and arrive at Baku at 12:15.

First, well travel to Baku for five days. Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan and the most popular sightseeing city and it is famous for the Old Town.
 First day, we will go to the Gobustan National Park and see the prehistoric carvings, which is World Heritage. I want to know life at that time.
  Azerbaijan is located near the Caspian Sea. So, next day, we will cruise around the Caspian Sea. The view of sea will be very beautiful. After cruising, we will enjoy sea breeze at a café near the sea.
Third day, we will enjoy the Old Town. First, we will walk in the city. There are castle walls and we can see how people live in this city. And, perhaps, we call talk with them.
Next, we will go to graveyard in the park. Victims of the conflict and Soviets invasion are buried there. We will realize the importance of peace.
Next day, we will go to the Maidens Tower. It is the symbol of Baku, and it has a small museum. I want to know the history of Baku. Then, we will go to the other historical museum. We will know about it more there.

Fifth day, we will go to Yanar Dagh. We can see blazing natural gas. It will be amazing. After that, we will go to Masazir Gol, a pink lake. It will be wonderful. We will be deeply impressed this day.
We will stay at a hotel by the Caspian Sea. At night, we will enjoy a beautiful night view.
Next day, we will leave Baku for Shemakha. Shemakha was the capital of Shirvanshah, so we will enjoy streets and houses there. After that, we will go to Sheki and stay there at night.

Next morning, we will go to the museum in Sheki and know about its history. Then, we will go to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. We will stay there for two days.

  First day, we will go to Mtskheta. It has historical buildings, for example, churches. These are World Heritage. We will enjoy these buildings and streets.
  Second day, we will go to Mtatsminda Amusement Park and enjoy attraction. I want to ride a Ferris wheel and a roller coaster. After that, we leave Georgia for Armenia.
  Next, we will stay at Yerevan, the capital of Armenia for two days.
  First, we will walk in the city. There are churches and other historical buildings in Yerevan, too. We will enjoy streets and buildings.
  Next day, we will go to Erebuni Museum and Erebuni Fortress. Yerevan was named after Erebuni, so we can know history of Yerevan there.

  Finally, we will come back to Baku, Azerbaijan. We will go to Taza Bazaar, a market to buy souvenir for friends. I want to buy caviar because caviar is a popular souvenir of Azerbaijan and it is cheaper there. Then, we go to see the Caspian Sea. This night will be the last night of our travel.

The last day, Our plane departs Baku at 17:45 and next day we arrive at Tokyo at 17:55.

We hope this plan will work out.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

If I knew then what I know now


  If I knew then that I study at Tsukuba University now, I wouldn’t have been so troubled.

Actually, I had studied to enter other university with my friend before I realized what I really wanted to do.

 I didn’t know what I wanted to study at the university and what I wanted to do in the future. So my teacher recommended me to study to enter the other university and I started to study. My teachers game me more difficult questions than questions we solves in the normal classes or as homework. I had to study more than other students in my class because the university was hard to enter.

A few months later, I knew that my friend studied to enter the same university, too. I became happy to know that because I had thought I had to study alone before then. I started to study with him. Teachers gave problems to us, we tried them, and we went to teachers’ room to be taught how to solve them many times. He was very hardworking unlike me. I often thought “I must study hard like him!” But, I knew that his situation was the same as mine. He didn’t know what he wanted to do in the future. I admired him because he studied very hard without any goal.


When I became a high school senior, I hadn’t decided what I want to study at the university and what university I should go to yet. I was troubled by deciding what to do in the future. So I continued studying with him to enter the university my teacher recommended.

But I didn’t like to study and I had little time to try difficult questions in addition to everyday homework as I was busy with the club activity. I didn’t want to go to the university in some reasons, so I got tired of studying for the university. I often thought and said to him “Why I have to study so hard to enter the university I didn’t want to go to!” I should have quit studying for the university then, but I continued studying with him because I knew how lonely studying alone was and I didn’t want him to study alone.


One day, however, I quarreled with him. I decided to quit studying for the university with him. I really didn’t want to go to and study for the university.

Then, I happened to find the Department of Social Engineering at Tsukuba University! When I accidentally read the explanation what we can study in this department, I thought “This is very what I want to do! I want to study here!” I was surprised and glad to find what I want to do! I now think this was destiny.


Now, I am in Tsukuba University, and to my surprise, my friend I studied with is also in this university! He is still my best friend. I am very happy to study what I want to do!


Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014





 In 1st quarter, Gap profit fell because of foreign currency fluctuations and a slow start to spring sell. But, its annual profit is expected to rise. The San Francisco retailer said “I’m pleased with how the business performed toward the end of the quarter.” They are confident in their strategies.

  The number of people seeking U.S. unemployment benefits increased and applications rose. But, the unemployment rate dropped because the government counts only people who are actively searching for jobs as unemployment, and fewer people searched for jobs.

  Average rate for a 30-year loan fell, but sales of existing homes rebounded.



  I’m surprised that even Gap, a famous clothing shop, faced difficulty in recession. But, I’m impressed by the Gap’s confidence. They expected its annual profit to rise though its profit fell in 1st quarter. I’m interested in their strategies and I want to know these as a social engineering student.

  I want to know other clothing shops’ profits rose or fell. If their profits rose, what they did for that? Can we apply their strategies to other industries?

  This article is very interesting for me, because I’m interested in economy. I wonder why the economic fluctuation often happen. How can we recovery economy? As a university student, what can I do? Now, we learn economics, so such news help me to learn deeply. I want to read more articles about economy.

  I want to work for a shop which sells novelties or clothes or toys because I like something cute and I want to bring dream to people by selling such things. But, these days, I think that I can’t anything unless I learn about economics, and I want to contribute to the economic recovery in the future. I realized that thanks to this article. So, if you find articles that can help me learn economics, please tell me!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

To-do List for my First Year at University




Make 100 friends!


  I want to make 100 or more new friends. If I have many friend and play with them, I can enjoy my life. Now, I have about only 50 friends at university. To make many friends, I try to talk with smile to many people. If you are not my friend, make friends with me! I’ll talk to you.




Practice koto and shinobue!


  I belong to the Japanese traditional music club. In this club, I play koto and shinobue. When I was in the Japanese traditional music club in high school, I only played koto. I started playing shinobue because I wanted to start a new musical instrument. I should practice shinobue hard to make music. I can only make “sound” now. I like playing shinobue and koto so I’ll enjoy practicing.




Go to Disney Land!


  I like Disney very much. I like Disney Land very much, but I have ever been to Disney land only three times. Disney Land is the dream world. When I’m in Disney Land, I’m very very very happy! I want to go to Disney Land many times. I want to be happy in the dream world.




Watch Disney movies!


I like Disney movies, too. Stories and music are very beautiful. I want to watch all Disney movies. Especially, I like the Disney princess movies, so first, I want to watch all Disney princess movies. I have watched “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Cinderella”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Aladdin”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Tangled”, “Frozen”, “Sleeping Beauty”, and “Brave”. Next time, I want to watch “The Princess and the Frog”.




Learn to cook well!


  I want to learn to cook well. Before I entered university, I lived with my family. I didn’t have to cook by myself. My mother cooked our meals. I only helped her cook. But now, I live alone in the dormitory and I have to cook by myself. I try to cook many kinds of dishes.




Study hard


 I have to study hard at university. I enter university to study. I must not forget this! I don’t like studying but I’ll try to enjoy studying. I want to study mainly on micro economics because in the future, I want to research deeply about it.  



Be taller


 I am only 151cm! I wish I could gain 20cm trough out this 4 years of campus life. Why? That is because I have a complex about my height since I was a elementary student and I want to change it! So I am going to drink a littler of milk every day to get enough calcium to gain height.




Travel abroad!


  I have never been to any foreign countries. I want to travel abroad. What country do you think is nice to travel? Please tell me!

I want to go to Paris because I want enjoy music and shopping.




Go to zoo!


 I want to go to zoo many times. I want to see lion many times because I love lion. I have ever been to zoo a few times. There are some big zoos in Tokyo. For example Ueno zoo! It is located in the middle of Tokyo and I have never been there. So I want to go there with my friends.




Live with music


  I like music. I like listening to music. I like playing music. I can’t live without music! Living with music is my motto. I’ll live with music forever.